Commonly Abused Drugs & How To Treat Them

Commonly Abused Drugs
Picture of Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Joshua Yager M.D.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Joshua Yager M.D.

Dr. Joshua Yager is an Atlanta native, board-certified family practice physician who is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of his community.

Table of Contents

As of right now, the vast majority of the population in the country has become drug-dependent. Either by personal problems, abuse of prescription, or because they innocently tried it at a social event and then it turned into an addiction.

In this article, you’ll find solutions on how to treat drug addiction. Plus, you’ll know the kind of programs you can access, such as intensive outpatient programs for drug addicts and outpatient therapy, and where to find help. Keep reading for more.


Heroin, a commonly known opioid, is frequently abused due to the feeling of adrenaline it immediately triggers. However, after the effect washes out, nervousness, chills, and nausea hit, leading people to consume more heroin to avoid such outcomes.


Marijuana has become more popular due to its social acceptance. It is consumed because it produces hunger, sleepiness, and a sense of light-weighted mind. That’s why consumers use it as a recreational drug; however, it can lead to severe oblivion or loss of reality.


Alcohol is probably the most common drug, and its reaction is different for everyone. People who consume and abuse alcohol obliterate any feeling of guilt, shame, depression, or hurt. And, it makes people forget for a brief moment anything they may feel.


Cocaine is probably one of the most popular among drug types. Besides the fact that it is highly addictive on its own, dealers tend to mix it with cornstarch, talcum powder, and other white powder substances to increase profit, putting the consumer at a higher health risk.

Most of the time, it is abused due to the rush of energy. Plus, it speeds the way you think and speak. It is continuously consumed because the drug gives cravings to intake more each time.

How To Treat Drug Abuse

Via Intensive Outpatient Program

Through Intensive Outpatient Care (IOC), you avoid the constant need of drinking. Experts guide you to be more mindful of your alcohol and drug intake and surroundings by being in residence.

Via Outpatient Therapy

Through this treatment, you can schedule a meeting depending on when you need it. The focus of this therapy is to develop and create prevention around the possibility of a relapse. Plus, with this therapy, you get the necessary tools.

Recovery Is Hope

At Hope Harbor Wellness, we want what any loved one wants: to help someone in their recovery process. We offer Intensive Outpatient Care (IOC) and Outpatient Therapy (OT). With any of these programs, you can help someone struggling with drug abuse. Recovery is something to be proud of; recovery is hope.



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