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How Do Teenagers Develop An Addiction To Alcohol?

How Do Teenagers Develop An Addiction To Alcohol?
Picture of Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Joshua Yager M.D.

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Joshua Yager M.D.

Dr. Joshua Yager is an Atlanta native, board-certified family practice physician who is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of his community.

Table of Contents

Teenagers between the ages of 12-20 make up 4% of alcohol consumption in the US. When they drink, 90% of their alcohol consumption ends in binge drinking; that was 4.2 million teenagers in 2019. Young people drinking is a real issue.

If you know someone going through this problem, encourage them to find a “teenager rehab near me” center. As a society, we have to promote campaigns to encourage young people to have teenage substance abuse counseling. By doing this, we can prevent them from making mistakes that could change their lives.

4 Factors That Influence Teenagers on Drinking

To address an important issue such as teenage drinking, it is important to understand what leads them to develop alcohol addictions. Here are some reasons that lead young people to drinking:

  • Biology. Teenagers are susceptible to developing alcohol addictions because the part of their brain responsible for decision-making has not fully matured. Because their impulse control is not mature enough, they lack the mental capacity to be aware of or understand the consequences of their actions.
  • Hereditary Factors. Genetics is an essential factor when studying  the development of alcohol addiction in teenagers. Studies show that teenagers with alcoholic parents or siblings are four times more likely to develop a drinking problem.
  • Personality. Studies show that teenagers who started drinking at an early age share some similar behavior in their personality. Teenagers who are depressed, aggressive, withdrawn, or disruptive are at a greater risk of developing alcohol problems.
  • External Factors. Teenagers tend to drink at an early age because they think it is a path to fit in with other groups. Peer pressure is a common factor that motivates young people into drinking.

How to Tell If A Teenager Is Drinking

Teenagers usually show a change in their behavior when they start to develop a drinking problem. Some symptoms include:

  • Their social groups tend to change constantly. This symptom is related to the teenage thinking of trying to fit in.
  • Their energy levels tend to be below average.
  • Teenagers who have a drinking problem lose interest in many activities, including schools causing a drop in their academic performance.
  • The most apparent symptom: their breath, clothes, or spaces smell like alcohol.

Even though most symptoms do not always indicate that teenagers are drinking, those are symptoms that they are undeniably going through a difficult moment and need help. It is recommendable to look for teenager rehabs near you; lives might be at risk.

Find The Help You Need In Hope Harbor Wellness

Hope Harbor Wellness is an outpatient treatment center dedicated to serving a variety of drug and alcohol programs. Teenage substance abuse counseling is available. Contact us to provide you with all the information you need to have confidence in your decision and receive intensive rehabilitation to fight your addictions. We believe in you.



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